Friday 6 June 2014

2011 New Year's Resolution Ideas for Meeting Planners - Business - Presentation

The economy is in the process of recovery which means more companies are likely to increase the number and workload of events in 2011. Some event meeting services planners have already had this happen. "Things have been pretty much the same for the Levi's brand event landscape for the last five years," said Michael Mecham, CMP, Event Manager for Levi Strauss. "But I am feeling it ramp up now." At Kellogg's, Senior Meeting Manager Karen J. Sweet, CMP, noted, "We have had a record number of meetings this year, over 700. To meet the logistical demands, we've hired a part-time meeting planner and we have someone who works primarily on StarCite registration, which helps a lot."

So, more meetings, more stress, more workload. What is an event planner to do? Here are some great ideas to get your 2011 started off with a bang.


* Schedule 30 minutes at the end of your day to outline the next day's activities. Close your door, turn off the phone, play soft music and schedule. * Schedule one time management training seminar in the first quarter. * Follow the 15, 15, and 15 rule. Buy a timer and dedicate only 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at lunch, and/or 15 minutes in the late afternoon to email, texting, and social media updates. When the buzzer or time runs out, move onto something else. * Work 40 hours a week and negotiate a flexible schedule with your boss. If you are planning on working 14 hours a day for three days straight at a conference, ask your boss for 2 days off upon your return. Do this early in 2011 or better yet, do it now. * Take a whole hour for your lunch. Pack your lunch, take it outside (if possible), bring a book to read and best of all, get away from your work. It can wait.


* Get up 30 minutes earlier or take 30 minutes at the end of your workday to exercise. * Exercise three times per week for at least 30 minutes each time. * Buy a box of protein bars. Carry them in your pocket or briefcase and when you are super busy or on-site at an event location, eat the bar instead of fast food or heavy appetizers. Protein bars carry less calories than the other option and can provide you with longer lasting energy. * Take a multi-vitamin daily. * Cut back to 2 cups of coffee per day.


* Earn your Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) designation. * Earn your Certificate in Meeting Management (CMM) designation. * Schedule a 30 minute meeting with your boss or take him or her out to lunch. Ask them how you can advance your career. Write down their ideas and follow them. Ask if you can be cross-trained in other areas or learn new technologies. * Obtain a mentor in the company. * Be positive and open to new ideas, always. The last thing your boss will want to promote is a naysayer or someone who is very rigid in their thinking. * Don't gossip about co-workers, management, or vendors. * Compliment other people on their work and if possible, send an email to their boss.

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